New publication in Redox Biology
Os investigadores Fernando Cagide e Sofia Benfeito do grupo de Química Medicinal do CIQUP, liderado pela Prof. Dra. Fernanda Borges, viram o seu trabalho ser publicado na [...]
Os investigadores Fernando Cagide e Sofia Benfeito do grupo de Química Medicinal do CIQUP, liderado pela Prof. Dra. Fernanda Borges, viram o seu trabalho ser publicado na [...]
We are pleased to announce that the submission of original research articles and review papers are warmly welcome to be published in the special issue of ACS [...]
Fernanda Borges Research Group is a partner of the new PT‐OPEN SCREN – Portuguese network for screening, an infrastructure included in the Portuguese Roadmap of Research Infrastructures [...]
Fernanda Borges, in the quality of Vice-Chair of the Cost Action CA15135 -Multi-target paradigm for innovative ligand identification in the drug discovery process (MuTaLig) integrates the international [...]